Check out our rules, how to apply, and masterlist. You can also find us on Tumblr and Asian Fanfiction!


Before you read our rules, here’s a short disclaimer about Bewitch roleplay:

⫸ Genre : Smut, semi-au, semi-literate/literate
⫸ Theme : Hook-up app
⫸ Platform : Mewe
⫸ Age limit : 18+
⫸ Face Claims : Korean Entertainment Industry face claims

⇢ What you need to know before you apply…

⇢ Somewhere on this page there are two passwords necessary to complete your application, which will show that you read and understood our rules. So keep your eyes open! ⇠

• Applications sent through e-mail or a non pre-existing account will be denied right off the bat.

 • Reservations last only 3 days.

• This is a semi-au roleplay, therefore you are allowed to tweak the personality of your muse, within reason.

• One liners, action roleplaying or mixed will not be accepted. This is a semi-literate/literate roleplay, so literacy is key!

• In order to avoid embarrassing situations you should have a good knowledge, or at least some knowledge, of anything relevant to your muse (e.g. company, label mates, real life connections, etc.).

• You can have up to 3 muses. After you join the roleplay, you have to wait 2 weeks before applying for your 2nd muse, and 1 month for your 3rd muse.

• A muse may enter a relationship 2 weeks (minimum) after joining the roleplay.

• Before applying create your account and add the link in your application.

• You MUST use the real name of your muse, no alternative names are allowed. Also, you MUST put "Bewitch Roleplay" in the "COMPANY" section of your Mewe account.


• All face claims related to the Korean Entertainment Industry.

• Move-ins (i.e. couples). Remember to specify in your application if you are joining with a partner!

• All sorts of relationships: open, closed, polyamorous, etc.
↳ Note: Open relationships are preferred.

• All sexual orientations: straight, gay, bisexual, etc.


• Any muse that is in a relationship/engaged/married in real life. The only occasion where that can be accepted is if two roleplay partners join as a couple (e.g. Hyuna + Dawn — Jihyo + Daniel - etc.).

• Typists and face claims that are younger than 18 years of age. You and your muse must be 18 or older in order to join.

• Roleplaying in private messages (this includes creating group chats too), and/or in private posts. All interactions must be public and private messages can only be used for plotting and OOC interactions.

• Pregnancies, mpregs, marriage and children.

• Metagaming and godmodding.

• Dark elements such as rape, drug abuse, suicide, homicide, depression, etc. Let’s keep it light and breezy, shall we?

• Face chasing. If you get caught face chasing, you will be removed and banned from the roleplay.

• Bubble roleplay. This is very important! Be open to interact with everyone and don’t stick to the same people!

• OOC drama of any shape or form. Be civil to one another.

⇢ What you need to know after you apply...

• “Abandon grudges all ye who enter here” a.k.a. forget about all your past grudges that you may be holding against someone and give people the chance to have a fresh start without defaming them and dragging them down for their past mistakes. Let’s give everyone the chance to redeem themselves and start from zero! If this rule were to be overlooked, it will result in removal from the roleplay.

! Do not add anyone from the roleplay before you are added to all groups and are officially welcomed in the arrivals group. !

• Introduce your muse! Make an introduction in the designated group within the first 24 hours after you’re added to the roleplay. Make sure to comment under the post of new comers.

• Be welcoming! This is crucial because no one likes an unwelcoming community, right? So always reach out for the new comers and don’t leave anyone feeling unwanted, no matter whether their muse is popular or not.

• In order to maintain a good level of activity within the roleplay, and avoid bubble roleplaying, you must:
post on your timeline once a week (minimum);
comment on 3 introduction posts a week (minimum);
comment on 3 posts of people whom you don't interact often with a week (minimum).
All the 3 above are solely sns related and do not take into account any possible para thread. If you fail to meet these requirements, you will be considered inactive and risk to be removed from the roleplay. Exceptions apply in the occasion a typist is on hiatus/semi-hiatus.

• To avoid favouritisms you must emoji every post that crosses your path.

Don't be a ghost! If you decide to join the roleplay, please show up and, most importantly, give a fair chance to the roleplay. There is no point in joining and then not showing up or not bothering to be active. That's just a waist of time for the admin(s) and for you. So if you join do your introduction post and start being active, don't give up before even starting!

 • When you go on hiatus you must give a warning through private message. Not doing so may lead to your removal from the roleplay.
↳ Semi-hiatus: 2 weeks max.
↳ Full hiatus: 1 month max.

• There are monthly activity checks.

• New comers can take part to ice breaker games so to connect and have fun with the members that are already part of the community!

• OOC comments and posts must be strictly kept in the OOC group.

• T1tl3 4ppl1c4t10n: title of your favourite song.

• All interactions happening under photos, videos, links, etc. must be accompanied by an sns username of your liking.

• Emojis are only allowed in sns or sms interactions.

• P4ssw0rd: give a suggestion of an event, or ice breaker game(s), you’d like to see happening in the roleplay.

• If you have any question or concern don’t hesitate to send a message. Happy roleplaying and have a good stay with us! ♡


To check out the masterlist, click here!

You can make a reservation through Tumblr, Asian Fanfiction, or Instagram.


You can apply here!

Once you're done remember to give a warning either through private message (Tumblr and Instagram), or a comment under the story on Asian Fanfiction.